Official CAL statement

This is a official CAL statement regarding the cancelation of this crochet-a -long project. In this statement I will give some explanation about this decision and how things will continue for everyone who already purchased something or was waiting to start with this CAL.

Let’s start by explaining why I came to this decision in first place. From the moment of the announcement of this project, it has been a continues flow of attention. Some good, but also a lot of bad and negative. Of course I was prepared for some negativity – you can’t make everyone happy and of course there would be some commenting or complaining here and there. To tackle this we (a team of 10 people) took months to prepare ourselfs for this and we wrote all possible information down in some files to tackle most of the simple questions relating to the CAL. From day one it was a constant flow of just asking away and almost spamming all channels with the most simple questions. Well, we expected that as people often first comment and ask before taking time to read something. So that was not the reason to cancel at all.

As said, from the moment the CAL is on, there is a HUGE load of negative comments. Most of them are received in my private communication portals, others were posted in the Facebook group. And with negative I don’t mean : “I don’t like it” or “it is all a bit confusing how it works” . No, there are a lot of other messages. And of course, it is just deleting and blocking, but in the end you see them all and it will be on your mind. And it just continues, how many you ignore, delete or block. It soon takes over the positive vibe a CAL has to bring and it ruins your drive to go on. To state some examples : in 4 days time I had to deal with 354 emails/messages which contained critics about me as a person, my gender, my sexuality, my language writing – native or not native, my crochet work which wouldn’t be good enough for a CAL, I did it to earn money, I would be a thief, I wouldn’t be honest and take provid of people, people find the need to send whole messages full of swear words…and I can continue for a while here. Besides that I’m not the only one inflicted by this all, there was also the need to argue with my testers/translators that their work wasn’t right. Posting photos of their work full of marked circles with correction options. First of all, how can you judge a design if you even haven’t seen a pattern yet, besides that…how do you think someone feels when her work is being exposured in front of thousands of people saying it sucks. That is just rude. Well I could continue on as there was many more…however I think you’ll have an idea now. And this is just a first week, how would this evolve when the CAL is actually running. Sorry everyone, but I’m also a human being with feelings and I draw a line here. I intended to host a crochet event, not pulling myself out there to let take away my dignity and selfrespect. If you feel like you need let some frustration go, just go outside for a good walk or shout it out on a place no one will see or hear you. People think they just can put down everything, scroll further along…but ever thought of the option that you actually saying something to someone on the other side and you possibly can hurt someone else.

As we already paused the Facebook group after laying down so many restrictions on different matters, people still continue with this kind of behaviour. In one weekend I again received 52 messages full of insults. Many of you commented with telling me to just remove or block the people who doesn’t behave, but this is not one or two and it is a full dayjob to moderate this. Explaining this all has made me decide to just cancel the entire CAL. Cancelation means the Facebook group will be deleted and the timeline of the CAL will be erased. So there will be no crochet-a-long anymore over ten weeks of time as stated. I designed this pattern as one of my best but it already has such a negative vibe that I can’t host it any longer with a positive intention. Only looking at my design makes me wanna throw it away. I’m done being used as a target to shoot on and this whole thing was meant to just create a beautiful event where we all could enjoy some happiness and creativity. But it seems this is impossible these days without having a online, virtual war against you. With people, stores and many more against you. And for those of you who think this decision is a bit dramatic, I am honest and not gonna lie on what you get when your expose yourself with something you did. But that doesn’t mean you have to just swallow it all and act happy. This is how things go and how wonderful the crochet community of which we often speak also can be. And it isn’t new, I have seen it with many events hosted for larger groups of crocheters/knitters, and I also have seen what it does to people. Well if I would just continue pretending this all isn’t happening I also wouldn’t take or teach a lesson from it.

Of course I realize this decision also delivers some inconveniance. But I have tried to create the best solutions possible. For everyone who purchased the pattern on Ravelry, you will receive the full pattern at once. I will send out an update with this information through Ravelry as well, but don’t worry….you receive the pattern for the fee payed. The same goes for everyone who liked to join with the free, English version here on the blog. In the menu on top of the blog you will find all parts of the CAL available from now on. The pattern on Etsy will be uploaded later around June, as there is so much negativity about this whole issue already selling it through Etsy, I don’t need any more of this for now. You can wait for some months.

Of course there are the yarn packs which you can order at different stores. Many of you ordered one and I would suggest just keeping it ordered and crochet the pattern once you receive it. The stores can’t help this and if you wanted to join the CAL in March, why still not make it. It doesn’t change a thing.

In fact I do hope many of you still will hold their own mini-CAL. Make it a tribute to my pattern. Maybe I myself have lost touch with it, you who intended to join still love creating it. Crocheting a part a week just for yourself is a good meditation and if you really need help you can always send a message through this website. I will try to help you where I can…on my time. But also respect my choice in this, it took a lot of courage to make this decision as I canceled a project of which I worked on for months and spend many hours, nights, money and effort in. And not only me, a lot of people with me. But I will not put myself out 8 hours a day besides a dayjob to just let people take advantage of me. Then you’ll have it and this is it. As this whole thing has left a real bad taste and feeling I intend to get out of the media for a while. I had a lot of new pattern work ready to be released already but I feel it is time to get off for a while. I’m sick of the world for now… I know there are some good folks around…but it seems there are even more negative people around. We were talking about a crochet thing here, why the need to judge someone personally and break down every single part of selfrespect and dignity one can have ? For all the ones who are responsible for this decision, think about that and the fact how you ruin the happiness of others….

Mark a.k.a. The Guy with the Hook

188 gedachten over “Official CAL statement

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  1. I will never understand people’s negativity and rudeness. I’m so sorry you were/are being harassed like that. I think your work is truly beautiful and I can see how much attention and effort you have invested. Hope your soul heals quickly from those hateful words. Peace!


  2. Hi Mark, what a shock this is! I feel so bad for you.
    So I want to give yiu a bit of positivity at this time. I really love your patterns, this one and your Northern Tiles being my favorites. And The Spice Market actually made my boyfriend want to learn crochet too! I made my first CAL last winter and he was very intrigued by the process. So I expect that we will both be shopping for yarns, so we get two kits for this pattern, and he will start it too. And who knows, after that we might continue with the northern tiles!


  3. Dit is verschrikkelijk om te horen. Ik vind je patroon schitterend en was van plan om een pakket te kopen. Nu ik dit lees, ga ik het zeker maken als eerbetoon aan jouw kunde!


  4. As much as I would have loved a CAL on your beautiful pattern, I am 1000000% on your side. I’m sorry things like that happened to you. I only hope you don’t let those people ruin your joy for your craft. I just saw all your beautiful work on Ravelry, your talent is incredible! You have a gift. I wish you peace. Please don’t let this affect the way you look at your beautiful work of art, you worked hard on it , and it shows, it is stunning! If you get upset when you look at it now, those people making ignorant comments win. Enjoy your beautiful work , it really is something to be admired, always. God bless.🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻

    Geliked door 2 people

  5. Im really sorry to hear this Mark. I only just found out about this blanket and came here to get more info. I have missed all the hoopla, but reading your story is shocking. I am time and time again surprised at how cruel people can be. I am sorry you have been a target. I wish you all the best, stay strong. Alison.

    Geliked door 2 people

    1. Be true to yourself. Your happiness and wellbeing are more important than anything else. I’m so sorry this has been your experience, shame on those cowards who wouldn’t dare make those comments face to face.

      Thank you for your time and efforts in producing such a beautiful pattern. I hope you can find some peace over the coming days and weeks. Please know that for every idiot that makes a negative comment, there are many, many more of us who appreciate you and your work exactly as you are. You are wonderful.

      Geliked door 2 people

  6. I’m so shocked to read this and about the abuse you have received which is totally inexcusable. I just saw some pictures of your beautiful pattern on the Scheepjes Facebook page and came here for more info without knowing about this shameful behaviour. You may expect it (although never excuse it) in some fields but….crochet??? Really?? What is happening to the world when someone creates something beautiful for everyone and then is abused to this extent ? I’m speechless and so, so sorry. I will make this pattern in tribute to you and please believe that for every hater there are thousands of people who admire and appreciate your hard work

    Geliked door 2 people

  7. Mark, I found your pattern when someone else on our website decided to go ahead with it even though your CAL was cancelled. I feel,so,bad for,you, and angry that others would treat you that way. We are all equal and deserve respect from each other. I belong to a website called FiberKind, of people who are caring, encouraging and respectful. My daughter is the Administrator, and I’m a moderator. I can tell you that we read every post throughout the day, looking for trolls and any disrespectful, mean or otherwise not allowed on our site. We have a loving group of knitters, crocheters, weavers, spinners and even sewing enthusiasts who all share their love of our craft. We would be happy for you to join us, or you can just take a look around and see if it’s something you might enjoy.

    I wish you the best in your new projects and designs, and hope you have been able to get past this horrible life event.

    Sending you my grateful thanks for this beautiful pattern. I have found the yarn and I’m ready to begin making the fingering weight pattern.


    Geliked door 2 people

  8. I recently bumped into this warm and fun pattern, and almost at the same time heard it was cancelled. I came here to read the whole statement, and it left me both horrified and deeply sad. I will never ever undertand behaviour like that, pouring hate and anger on innocent people and especially in this case, on someone who only tried to create something beautiful and fun for people to do together. This is just unbelievable what you have been through. But please try not to hate your work and this pattern, it truly reminds of what it is called, and offers unlimited possibilities to play with colours and ambience. I will definitely buy this on Ravelry, as soon as I get the math done, because I wont to try this with Whirls. And also your Freddie Mercury-pattern is amazing, I’m definitely buying it too, and make a pillow for my mom who is the world’s biggest fan. I’m so sorry to hear how deeply you have been hurt and insulted, for no reason at all.

    Geliked door 3 people

  9. Dear Mark.

    There is a lot of “trolls” out in cyper Jaloux trolls. I’m so sorry, that people just can’t crochet with passions and love. I love your pattern have just bought it.

    To you, who don’t like a design. Why don’t you just scroll to something you like? I don’t think , that your parents have raised you very well. Show them what you have written, I’m sure, they will be embarrassed of you.

    “If you don’t have anything nice to say, then keep quiet”.

    Mark. Thanks for all the wonderful things you make. Thank you to inspire me. Be proud of who you are. What you are able to make with yarn and a crochet hook.

    Best regards

    Charlotte, DK

    Geliked door 4 people

  10. Dear Mark.

    There is a lot of “trolls” out in cyper Jaloux trolls. I’m so sorry, that people just can’t crochet with passions and love. I love your pattern have just bought it.

    To you, who don’t like a design. Why don’t you just scroll to something you like? I don’t think , that your parents have raised you very well. Show them what you have written, I’m sure, they will be embarest

    “If you don’t have anything nice to say, then keep quiet”.

    Geliked door 3 people

  11. Dude, I don’t know you, but…Bravo. I came here because I saw the pattern on Ravelry and I’m always looking for a good CAL. I’m sorry people are such twatwaffles they have to attack hard work and ingenuity. I have seen it over and over again in many online CALs i’ve done. I’m sorry this happened to you, and I hope in time you can come back to your beautiful design and see it for what it is…not what the ugly people made of it.

    Geliked door 3 people

  12. Your pattern is beautiful…a work of art. I have it in my Ravelry wishlist and I will have it started before the summer comes. Mark, there will always be haters. They thrive on the fact they they can hurt us. I have walked away from things that opened me up to negativity. I am sorry they found you. I am in the Facebook CAL now and every day I see breathtaking examples of your work. They are tribute to you. I hope you find joy in the large number of Spice Market artworks that are being produced. Bless you, Mark.

    Geliked door 1 persoon

  13. Dag Mark,
    Als ik lees wat voor reacties jij binnen krijgt, ben ik echt gechoqueerd!. In wat voor tijd leven wij toch dat mensen vinden dat ze op die manier mogen omgaan met medemensen! Ik snap je beslissing erg goed en wil je met deze reactie een hart onder de riem steken.


  14. Mark:
    I am so sorry that people are such jerks. This is a beautiful CAL, you are a beautiful person to share. Why people can’t scroll instead of Troll is beyond me. You are perfect the way you are, and don’t change for anybody ever,



  15. Mark:
    I am so sorry that people are such jerks. This is a beautiful CAL, you are a beautiful person to share. Why people can’t scroll instead of Troll is beyond me. You are perfect the way you are, and don’t change for anybody ever,



  16. The thought of you feeling sad is heartbreaking. There are crazy people in this world and it is a shame their self importance and unwanted opinions have caused you so much pain. I myself adore all your creations and am on my third piece of crochet. I cannot wait to see what you have instore for us. Please look after yourself. And remember, for every negative hateful person there are 1000 good kind people. Stay well x


  17. I just found this CAL and I am just horrified by others actions. I wonder if they understand just how much hard work, time, effort, soul and love goes into creating something like this? Many of them probably don’t even crochet anyway! If any of them are reading this shame on you!!!! Would you go up to someone and say those things when you cannot hide behind that screen? Would you want your family, friends and kids to see what you said? I believe that when someone is willing to share their knowledge and talent with us they deserve the utmost respect! What you did took a ton of courage and I am glad you brought attention to the fact that people who are in this community are doing this!! I thought most of us are givers and caring people. Most who crochet are and give away far more than they ever keep. I for one applaud you and think if more people stood up to them maybe things would change! Please don’t lose your spark! Your unique ability to create and put on paper to teach others what most of us would never be able to do on our own! You have a unique talent and gift!! The one thing that makes it special is you! Don’t forget that please! I pray your heart and mind are at peace in this crazy mess of a world we are in and that your light continues to shine your love of the craft!


  18. Just a short note to say my sister and I will be doing this in our own little CAL. I’m so sorry to hear about the negativity you had to deal with, it makes my heart sad 😔! I’m looking forward to making my own creation from your gorgeous pattern! Hugs your way! 😊


  19. We live in a crazy world! I LOVE the pattern and just ordered a package to make the mint/lavender version. Don’t be disencouraged, keep designing your beautiful patterns!


  20. Hi Mark,

    I just wanted to pop in to tell you how very much I am enjoying this pattern! It is gorgeous and engaging, and just plain fun to work. You did a beautiful job of writing and illustrating it. For me, orange/rust/red/jade/turquoise/blue/brown/white version is turning out to be the perfect stash buster project for my sock yarn stash, with the addition of a silky bamboo fingering for the white. All those socks that I will never get around to knitting are turning into one of the most gorgeous crocheted afghans I have ever seen or attempted to make.

    It is really a shame that the CAL itself turned out to be a major headache for you and that you felt the need to cancel it because you were being bludgeoned by spiteful idiots. I am grateful that you went ahead and published the pattern anyway.

    Thank you for generously sharing your passion for crochet!


  21. Beste Mark, Ik ben onlangs gestart met haken en ben op zoek naar mooie patronen. Zo kwam ik net op jouw site terecht. Vol bewondering voor de mooie designs en kleuren begon ik te lezen over de Cal en waarom die niet doorgegaan is. Ik ben geschokt, heel erg geschokt over je verhaal. Hoe kan het dat mensen die willen haken zo tekeer gaan tegen jou?? Ik begrijp daar helemaal niets van! Maar wat erg dat ze je weten te raken en te kwetsen. En ik begrijp heel goed dat je niet door kon gaan met de Cal. Dit speelde ruim een jaar geleden, ik hoop dat het inmiddels weer goed met je gaat. Positieve energie gaat winnen! Nog veel haakplezier!


  22. I love your work and have pre-ordered your crochet journey book. You are an inspiration. I’m grateful for your continued sharing of creativity. Your work and colour choices bring joy. There will always be haters, just keep being your brilliant self. Merry Christmas and thank you!


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