Spice Market CAL Part 3

Part 3

In the third part it is time to finish the centre part of the blanket. And as it is centre square of a spice market it will be filled with color again. In this third part we’re first gonna make four triangles directly attached on the parts so far to change the octagon shape into a square shaped centre part. A fun way to use some different stitches again like the popcorn and the moss stitch. But to close this part off there will also be a lovely small border around the square which forms an open-worked pattern which might look a bit like some decorated walls which can be found a lot in souks.

To start this part it is important to decide your starting point. As the pattern after part 2 is an octagon shaped one with eight short sides, you can start at one of the eight sides. It doesn’t matter which one you take. We’re gonna make triangle shaped corners at four sides out of the eight. The first one you’ll start in the side you pick to start on. But after you complete a triangle corner, you skip the next side and make a next triangle corner on the next side. In this way you will have 4 triangle corners with on both sides all an unworked side between them.(See the photo section to see the first photo, on the red lines you will make a triangle corner) The triangle corners are all crocheted on the right side of the pattern. When we speak about sides in the triangle corners these are the sides of the octagon, if we speak about Rows in the triangle corners these are the actual Rows we’re working on.

Triangle corner pattern :

Take Color H and attach it in the 14th st on a side. (don’t count the ch2-crns as a st).

Row 1 (RS) : CH2, make PC in 17th st on side (so you sk 2 sts on the side), CH3, make PC in next st on side (this will be the 18th st), CH2, SS in 21st st on side (so you sk again 2 sts on the side).Fasten off yarn. [2PC/2 times a CH2-sp/CH3-sp]

Row 2 : Take Color H and attach it in 11th st on side. CH2, 1PC in ch2-sp (you again sk 2 sts on the side), CH2, {1PC-CH2-1PC} in ch3-sp, CH2, 1PC in next ch2-sp, CH2, SS in 24th st on side so you sk 2 sts on side). Fasten off yarn. [4PC/5 times a CH2-sp]

Row 3 : Take Color H and attach it in 8th st on side. CH1, 5DC in ch2-sp (so you sk 2 sts on the side), sk pc, 4DC in next ch2-sp, sk next pc,  {1DC-CH1-1PC-CH1-1DC} in next ch2-sp, sk next pc,  4DC in next ch2-sp, 5DC in next ch2-sp,CH1,  SS in 27th st on side (so you sk 2 sts on the side). Fasten off yarn. [20DC/1PC/2 times a CH1-sp]

Row 4 : Take Color B and attach it in 6th st on side. CH1 (you sk a st on the side), 1BPDC around next 10 sts, 2DC in next ch1-sp, CH2, 2DC in next ch1-sp, 1BPDC around next 10 sts, CH1, SS in 29th st on side (you sk a st on the side). Fasten off yarn. [20BPDC/4DC/2 times a CH1-sp/CH2-sp]

Row 5 : Take Color D and attach it in 5th st on side. CH1, 1SC in ch1-sp, CH1, (sk st, 1SC in next st, CH1) 6 times, {1SC-CH2-1SC} in ch2-sp, (CH1, 1SC in next st, sk st) 6 times, CH1, 1SC in ch1-sp, CH1, SS in 30th st on side.Fasten off yarn. [2 sides of 8SC/8 times a CH1-sp/ CH2-sp]

Row 6 :Take Color C and attach it in 4th st on side. CH1, (1SC in next ch1-sp, sk st, CH1) til next ch2-sp, {1SC-CH2-1SC} in ch2-sp, (CH1, sk st, 1SC in next ch1-sp) til end of row, CH1, SS in 31th st on side. Fasten off yarn. [2 sides of 9SC/9 times a CH1-sp/CH2-sp]

Row 7 : Take Color E and attach it in third st on side. Rep Row 6 and end it by making a SS in the 32th st. Fasten off yarn. [2 sides of 10SC/10 times a CH1-sp/CH2-sp]

Row 8 : Take Color F and attach it in second st on side. Rep Row 6 and end it by making a SS in the 33th st. Fasten off yarn. [2 sides of 11SC/11 times a CH1-sp/CH2-sp]

Row 9 : Take Color G and attach it in first st on side. CH1 (doesn’t count as st), 1SC in first st on side, 1SC in each ch1-sp/st along side til next ch2-sp, {1SC-CH2-1SC} in ch2-sp, 1SC in each ch1-sp/st til end of Row, 1SC in 34th st on side. Fasten off yarn. [2 sides of 24sts/CH2-sp]

End of triangle corner. You now finished one corner. Skip the next side on the octagon and make another triangle corner on the next side. Repeat this twice to obtain four corners with all an empty side between them. All corners are made the same way, with same colors. The end result must be a square shaped pattern. Don’t worry if it might be a bit out of shape yet, the next rounds will cover this up.

When you completed all four triangle corners, proceed with the next Rounds which will be made around the entire square, so this means around both the four triangle corners as well the four unworked sides.

Round 1 (RS) : Take Color B and attach in any ch2-sp of a triangle corner. ( these will be marked as the four corners). CH5 (first DC + CH2), 1DC in same sp, 1DC in next 24 sts (which will be one side of the triangle corner), 1DC in next ch2-sp, 1DC in next 34 sts (which will be the unworked side), 1DC in next ch2-sp, 1DC in next 24 sts (which will be one side of the triangle corner), * {1DC-CH2-1DC} in next ch2-sp, 1DC in next 24 sts, 1DC in next ch2-sp, 1DC in next 34 sts, 1DC in next ch2-sp, 1DC in next 24 sts. Rep from * 2 more times. SS in third CH to connect. Fasten off yarn. [4 sides of 86DC and 4 times a CH2-sp]

Round 2 : Take Color A and attach in any ch2-sp. CH5 (first DC + CH2), 1DC in same sp, (CH3, sk 2 sts, 1SC in next st) 28 times, CH3, sk 2 sts, * {1DC-CH2-1DC} in next ch2-sp, (CH3, sk 2 sts, 1SC in next st) 28 times, CH3. Rep from * 2 more times. SS in third CH to connect. SS to next ch2-sp. [4 sides of 28SC/2DC/ 29 times a CH3-sp and 4 times a CH2-sp]

Round 3 : CH5 (first DC + CH2), 1DC in same sp, (CH1, 2DC in next ch3-sp) 29 times, CH1, * {1DC-CH2-1DC} in next ch2-sp, (CH1, 2DC in next ch3-sp) 29 times, CH1. Rep from * 2 more times. SS in third CH to connect. SS to next CH2-sp. [ 4 sides of 60DC/ 30 times a CH1-sp and 4 times a CH2-sp]

Round 4 : CH1 (doesn’t count as st), * {1SC-CH2-1SC} in ch2-sp, 1SC in each ch1-sp/st along side til next ch2-sp. Rep from * 3 more times. SS in top of first st. SS to next ch2-sp. [4 sides of 92SC and 4 times a CH2-sp]

Round 5 : CH1 (doesn’t count as st), * {2SC-CH2-2SC} in ch2-sp, 1SC in each st along side til next ch2-sp. Rep from * 3 more times. SS in top of first st. Fasten off yarn. [4 sides of 96SC and 4 times a CH2-sp]

Round 6 : Take Color B and attach it in any ch2-sp. CH5 (first DC + CH2), 1DC in same sp, 1DC in each st along side til next ch2-sp. * {1DC-CH2-1DC} in next ch2-sp, 1DC in each st along side til next ch2-sp. Rep from * 2 more times. SS in third CH to connect. Fasten off yarn. [4 sides of 98DC and 4 times a CH2-sp]

End of Part 3. The centre square is now finished. Weave in all ends after completing this part as you might have a lot of them again due the many color changes of the triangle corners. See you next week when we will start crocheting the Persian carpet part.

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