Important announcement…

Here is a short, but important announcement. Life is sometimes very unpredictable…one day you celebrate life as family members are reaching beautiful numbers of age in good health. The next day, we face how life can also be very fragile, and it can be over in a minute if certain actions are not taken.

Although the last weeks have already been harder than usual due to the fact my attention is needed to take care of those around me who need it right now…today, this has even become a more urgent issue. There is a difficult path lying ahead for me where stress, caretaking and lots of insecure moments will be there. I do hope to say in a few weeks to months, my family will be healthy once more, and life will be good.

For now, it means a few practical changes. Although my business continues, a load of crochet patterns are ready for release, and I will try to keep on working as much as I can….I definitely know I will be less around and can’t give you all the attention you deserve. Many orders and emails pass by each day, and I try to process and answer them as soon as possible. However, with the given situation at the moment, this is not something I can keep up.

Stores and sales points stay open, and I will process everything as fast as the situation allows. However….please note that processing your order, contacting me about orders, or helping with pattern questions will definitely take longer from now on than before.

As said, many questions, messages, and emails pass by each day, and of course, when having trouble with an order, I will help as much as I can. Emails or messages regarding collaborations, business-related, emails with requests to adjust patterns or think along on a creative input, etc., will not be answered until further notice. The same goes for all questions asked in comments on my social media and in the comments on this website. I don’t have the time to keep track of all of that for now.

Sometimes, you need to draw a line for yourself so you don’t lose track and stay focused on the things that matter in life. I hope to be among you guys now and then and still bring something new. It is totally up to how things will evolve in the upcoming period of time.

9 gedachten over “Important announcement…

Voeg uw reactie toe

    1. Veel sterkte. Zorg goed voor jezelf en de mensen om je heen. Familie en vrienden zijn belangrijk.
      Groet nllk thomassen


  1. Ik wens jou en je familie alle kracht om voor elkaar te zorgen en daarbij het verstand en de moed niet te verliezen. ❤️

    Weet dat we nog steeds allemaal hier zullen zijn als je wereld weer helemaal op rolletjes loopt. X Cleo


  2. Guten Morgen Ich verstehe, denn es geht mir ähnlich. Vom Newsletter muss ich mich leider abmelden, mir fehlt die Zeit. Alles Gute Angelika 


  3. Thank you so much for all you do and who you are! Family first, and remember that you are part of that family..take care of you too. Having been a caregiver, I know how hard that can be but I can’t stress enough how important that is. Without your strength you have less to give the family so remember that your mental, physical and spiritual health is also of vital importance. Blessings,



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